1. 1 kCal = 4.2kJ (1 kilocalorie = 4.2 kilojoules)
2. Every kg of muscle on your body metabolises (burns up) about 100kCal per day,
while at rest...and more if you exercise.
3. The Fat on our bodies only burns about 4kCal per kg per day.....its therefore quite obvious that if we want to control our weight, we should aim at increasing our muscle mass.
4. If you gain 5kg of muscle- your body gains the ability to burn and extra 500 kCal per day, just by you sitting around doing nothing.
5. Energy content of the basic food groups:
1g of protein = 4kCal
1g of carbohydrate = 4kCal
1g Fat = 9kCal
1g Alcohol (part of our basic food groups) = 7kCal
There are 3 kinds of Carbohydrates
a) sugar
b) Starch
c) Cellulose (no calorie value)= roughage
Complex carbohydrates are those that are a combination of sugar, starch and cellulose, and they release more slowly into the bloodstream (have a lower glycaemic index)…and therefore do not create the insulin “spikes” that result when simple sugars pour into the bloodstream..
“sugary foods” that create a surge in blood-sugar levels, because they are so easily taken up by the bloodstream, result in this “insulin spike”….this spike, in turn, causes a rapid drop in blood-sugar levels, and the accompanying feelings of TIREDNESS, HUNGER, and irritibility. High sugar intake makes us HUNGRY. Cool drinks and Fruit juices fall DIRECTLY into this category.
Rather drink water and eat a few pieces of fruit each day, than drink fruit juices…..they are EXTREMELY HIGH in calories.
One glass of orange juice contains the juice of about 5 oranges….and I bet you would not often sit down and eat 5 oranges.
6. 1kg of fat on your body = about 9000 kCal of energy
So if you want to lose a kg of fat, you need to create an energy deficit of 9000kCal.
So….how do we do this??
The Diet:
A few basic rules:
1. Read the food content labels on the stuff you buy.
2..Always look for Grams of fat per serving…don’t bother with percentages…that’s a scam.
2. You should keep your total fat intake to less than 30g per day, and you will lose fat quickly.
3. You should have between 1.5g – 1.8g of protein per kg of your total body weight per day…more than that is unnecessary.
4. Drink AT LEAST 2 litres of pure WATER per day (in addition to your teas and coffees)
5. Spread your food intake out over the day…preferably about 6 small meals per day….
6. Remember…a “small meal” could be an apple and a glass of SKIM MILK.
7. If you are not lactose intolerant, then Skim milk and skim milk powder, is one of the cheapest, quickest and easiest ways to get enough protein into your body, at the right times.
8. Egg whites are another great source of protein…..throw away the yolks…that’s where all the fats are stored…..the white is all albumin……..protein.
9. Always eat your easily digestible protein based meal (skim-milk with a banana, and some extra skim milk powder) within 45 minutes of exercise.
10.Tuna is a great easy protein meal.
If you eat more often (ie 6X per day as opposed to 3X, with larger meals), your basal metabolic rate will increase….and this is very important, because our basal metabolic rate is responsible for about 75 % of our energy expenditure…in “normal folk” When you are an “elite athlete” this might decrease to about 50%, because of the amount of calories burnt daily by exercise.
If you eat more often (ie 6X per day as opposed to 3X, with larger meals), your basal metabolic rate will increase….and this is very important, because our basal metabolic rate is responsible for about 75 % of our energy expenditure…in “normal folk” When you are an “elite athlete” this might decrease to about 50%, because of the amount of calories burnt daily by exercise.
11.Don’t ever try a protein deficient diet…you will lose LOTS of WEIGHT, but most of that will be MUSCLE and WATER….
12.And then you will rapidly GAIN weight thereafter, because you have lost the ability to burn calories, in proportion to the amount of muscle you lost….ie you have “lowered your own metabolism”, by losing muscle….this is what underlies the so called yo-yo dieting and gain/lose/gain more problem that so many overweight people encounter.
To keep the old “ticker” healthy, you should do huffy-puffy stuff (cardio-vascular training) At least 3 to 5 X per week.
This does NOT have to be at high intensities….and ESPECIALLY NOT when you first start training again.
To lose weight…the more you do(time) (not necessarily at high intensities)…the better.To prevent injury, follow these rules:
Start with about 20 minutes per day, (140 mins the first week) but DO NOT INCREASE YOUR VOLUME BY MORE THAN 10% per week. Buy a heart rate monitor, and use it. BUILD A LONG SLOW BASE…before you start setting speed records.
Do not, under any circumstances, let your testosterone get the better of you, and result in you entering a half marathon in 2 months time… where you compete with some mates who have been running consistently for the last 10 years.
Basic Rules
1. Get someone who knows what they are talking about, to show you correct technique.
2. Go to your local gym, and ask the best looking athlete there to recommend some reading for you….or just buy a few muscle mags…you’ll learn a lot, quickly.
3. Steer clear of anyone who looks like they might be taking steroids…they will inundate you with reading matter on this and that supplement etc etc…all bound to cost you a fortune…remember what I said about skim milk powder….it contains the complete amino acid spectrum….and is the cheapest source of great protein.
4. That…plus a few good multivitamins, (go for the “executive” ones…they have high B vits which are great “brain” food…help with stress etc.)..also some Cal-Mag (calcium and Magnesium)
5. Start off by doing a number of ‘compound exercises”….using light weights and focusing on correct technique.
6. Do about 16 -20 repetitions per “set” , and 1 to 2 sets of each exercise.
7. This will be for about the first Month…just to get your muscles used to the exercises.
8. Do the weights no more than 3x per week with at least a day in-between for recovery
Remember to warm up by cycling/jogging slowly for a few mins,before you start and then remember to finish off your weights session by stretching
9.If you stick to an easy routine, that involves compound exercises and takes, say only 20-30 mins each time, then you are far more likely to stick to it.
10.After the first month, start on your “building program”
11.To build muscle, the rules are;
No more than 12 repetitions in a set, Use as heavy a weight as you can manage 8-12 repetitions. You do not need to do more than 2 sets of each exercise. When you can manage 2 sets of 12 , next time increase your weights on one, or both sets… will be amazed at how quickly you can increase the weights.Yes, you will be very sore the 2nd and 3rd day thereafter.
Its ok to have 3-4 days rest in-between weight training sessions….muscle repairs and builds while you rest it.
Eat your protein meal within 45 mins of your workout.